Enter Four Murderers - M4cbeth
Enter Four Murderers - M4cbeth. An in depth look at four Macbeth films
Enter Four Murderers - M4cbeth
Wonder Woman: A Deep Dive into Her Character and Her Comics
No muckle on the spule-bane - "The Bride of Lammermoor"
Moby Dick: Tokyo Drift - The 2017 Graphic Novel
A Dip into the "Language" of Comics
Waiting for a Denouement - "Anna Karenina"
William Wordsworth: Education of a Prophet* (Flashback)
"Moby Dick" - Pelagic Horror and Nihilism
A Year of Dracula, Part 1 - The Novel (+ Ballet)
R.F. Kuang, Criticism, and Metatext - Part 2 - "Babel" and "Yellowface"
R.F. Kuang, Criticism, and Metatext - Part 1 - "Babel" and "Yellowface"
Book Roundup - 2019